Tuesday 11 December 2012

47 countries working together to stop child sex

For the police it’s hard to stop a sex crime that happens on the internet. For example it’s very common for pedophiles in other countries to work together and send pictures of child porn. Sweden and 46 other countries are now going to work together to stop crimes that concern child sex. Some of the countries are USA, Japan, and all of the EC-countries.
-         We’re going to try to find the pedophiles on the internet. We’re going to make internet to a safe place for kids. We will also aim for all the countries to forbid pedophiles to work with children. We must work together to stop these crimes, says the EC- commissioner Cecilia Malmström. 

Source: http://www.8sidor.se/utrikes/2012/12/47-lander-samarbetar-for-att-stoppa-barnsex

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